About Art in ECK

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the richness of this site. For the moment please email your request to our volunteer so it can be forwarded to the site owner CLICK HERE. Please include Art in ECK in the subject line.

If you have any specific questions, feel free include them in your email.

The purpose of the Art in ECK site is to offer artists the opportunity to present their work expressing experiences within the Light and Sound of God in any possible media. Keep in mind that the site has space and volume limitations.

No art work can be sold through Art in ECK, however, if you wish we can include a link to your personal site(s). It is the responsibility of the artist to present original art work only, Art in ECK is not and can not be liable if this is not the case. All copyrights stay with the creator of the art work. Art in ECK only offers the opportunity to present your visions, expressions and your work. Any art work given to Art in ECK for showing is done out of free will by the artist.

We try to keep this site as open and without restrictions as possible, please help keep it that way.