12 in HU

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kaleidoscopes, 12inHU, Twelve in HU

"The sound current with all its different notes and musical harmonies which can be heard on the various planes as separate sounds may come forth in the twelve rays of man. These are the vibrations which are attached to each individual Soul at the time of Its birth on this planet, and throughout each incarnation It has in the physical body as well as the psychic bodies which It retains and passes through in varied incarnations until It reaches the Atma (Fifth) plane where It is purified."


"There are twelve jewels which represent the months of the year. There are twelve mineral salts in homeopathic medicines, and twelve not sixteen ounces to a pound of gold, also twelve inches to a foot of yardage. Diamond which is the basic jewel for the ECK-Vidya Wheel of Life ... has twelve sides or axes and must be cut along these lines.The Wheel of the ECK-Vidya consists of twelve spokes and twelve months make up the cycle in man's yearly life cycle.There is the twelve-year cycle which makes up the full turn of the wheel in man's life so that he has a chemical change every cycle."


-- The ECK-Vidya, Paul Twitchell, pages 41 and 43

Light Prism

Light Prism, ECK, Eckankar, Light

This kaleidoscope is sectioned into 12 spikes, similar to the one above, reflecting the cycle of life, the wheel of 12.


CLICK HERE or on the picture to view the Light Prism kaleidoscope.